

This node requires CUDA


Retrieves the depth value of each pixel for all cameras that have been resolved by SfM.




MVS Configuration File:

SfMData file.

Images Folder

Use images from a specific folder instead of those specify in the SfMData file. Filename should be the image uid.


Image downscale factor (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)

Min View Angle

Minimum angle between two views.(0.0 - 10.0)

Max View Angle

Maximum angle between two views. (10.0 - 120.0)

SGM: Nb Neighbour Cameras

Semi Global Matching: Number of neighbour cameras (1 - 100)

SGM: WSH: Semi Global Matching

Half-size of the patch used to compute the similarity (1 - 20)

SGM: GammaC

Semi Global Matching: GammaC Threshold (0 - 30)

SGM: GammaP

Semi Global Matching: GammaP Threshold (0 - 30)

Refine: Number of samples

(1 - 500)

Refine: Number of Depths

(1 - 100)

Refine: Number of Iterations

(1 - 500)

Refine: Nb Neighbour Cameras

Refine: Number of neighbour cameras. (1 - 20)

Refine: WSH

Refine: Half-size of the patch used to compute the similarity. (1 - 20)

Refine: Sigma

Refine: Sigma Threshold (0 - 30)

Refine: GammaC

Refine: GammaC Threshold. (0 - 30)

Refine: GammaP

Refine: GammaP threshold. (0 - 30)

Refine: Tc or Rc pixel size

Use minimum pixel size of neighbour cameras (Tc) or current camera pixel size (Rc)

Verbose Level

verbosity level (fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace)


Output folder for generated depth maps



Detailed description

For all cameras that have been resolved by SfM, we want to retrieve the depth value of each pixel. Many approaches exist, like Block Matching, Semi-Global Matching (SGM) [Hir05], [Hir08] or ADCensus [MSZ+11]. We will focus on the SGM method implemented in AliceVision.

For each image, we select the N best/closest cameras around. We select fronto-parallel planes based on the intersection of the optical axis with the pixels of the selected neighboring cameras. This creates a volume W, H, Z with many depth candidates per pixel. We estimate the similarity for all of them. The similarity is computed by the Zero Mean Normalized Cross-Correlation (ZNCC) of a small patch in the main image reprojected into the other camera. This create a volume of similarities. For each neighboring image, we accumulate similarities into this volume. This volume is very noisy. We apply a filtering step along X and Y axes which accumulates local costs which drastically reduce the score of isolated high values. We finally select the local minima and replace the selected plane index with the depth value stored into a depth map. This depth map has banding artifacts as it is based on the original selection of depth values. So a refine step is applied to get depth values with sub-pixel accuracy.

All these depth maps can be computed independently in parallel. Then we apply a filtering step to ensure consistency between multiple cameras. A compromise is chosen based on both similarity value and the number of coherent cameras to keep weakly supported surfaces without adding artefacts.

Additional references: [SFG06], [SS02]