

The original depth maps will not be entirely consistent. Certain depth maps will claim to see areas that are occluded by other depth maps. The DepthMapFilter step isolates these areas and forces depth consistency.





SfMData file

Depth Map Folder

Input depth map folder

Number of Nearest Cameras

Number of nearest cameras used for filtering 10 (0 - 20)

Min Consistent Cameras

Min Number of Consistent Cameras 3 (0 - 10)

Min Consistent Cameras Bad Similarity

Min Number of Consistent Cameras for pixels with weak similarity value 4 (0 - 10)

Filtering Size in Pixels

Filtering size in Pixels (0 - 10)

Filtering Size in Pixels Bad Similarity

Filtering size in pixels (0 - 10)

Verbose Level

verbosity level (fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace)


Output folder for generated depth maps

Min Consistent Cameras lower this value if the Meshing node has 0 depth samples input

View Output open output folder and view EXR files