

Texturing creates UVs and projects the textures change quality and size/ file type of texture

MVS Configuration file


Input Dense Reconstruction

Path to the dense reconstruction result (mesh with per vertex visibility)

Other Input Mesh

Optional input mesh to texture. By default, it will texture the result of the reconstruction.

Texture Side

Output texture size 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384

Texture Downscale

Texture downscale factor1, 2, 4, 8

Texture File Type

Texture File Type ‘jpg’, ‘png’, ‘tiff’, ‘exr’

Unwrap Method

Method to unwrap input mesh if it does not have UV coordinates Basic (> 600k faces) fast and simple. Can generate multiple atlases LSCM (<= 600k faces): optimize space. Generates one atlas ABF (<= 300k faces): optimize space and stretch. Generates one atlas

Fill Holes

Fill Texture holes with plausible values True/False


Texture edge padding size in pixel (0-100)

Max Nb of Images For Fusion

Max number of images to combine to create the final texture (0-10)

Best Score Threshold

0.0 to disable filtering based on threshold to relative best score (0.0-1.0)

Angle Hard Threshold

0.0 to disable angle hard threshold filtering (0.0, 180.0)

Force Visible By All Vertices

Triangle visibility is based on the union of vertices visiblity.True/False

Flip Normals

Option to flip face normals. It can be needed as it depends on the vertices order in triangles and the convention change from one software to another.

Visibility Remapping Method

Method to remap visibilities from the reconstruction to the input mesh (Pull, Push, PullPush).

Verbose Level

verbosity level (fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace).

Output Folder

Folder for output mesh: OBJ, material and texture files.

Output Mesh

Folder for output mesh: OBJ, material and texture files. internalFolder + ‘texturedMesh.obj

Output Material

Folder for output mesh: OBJ, material and texture files. internalFolder + ‘texturedMesh.mtl

Output Textures

Folder for output mesh: OBJ, material and texture files. internalFolder + ‘texture_*.png


Texture Downscale

Downscaling to 4 or 8 will reduce the texture quality but speed up the computation time.

Set Texture Downscale to 1 instead of 2 to get the maximum possible resolution with the resolution of your images.

Best Score Threshold

This parameter is a contraint to limit the number of source images we use in the color fusion. It is not related to the number of output texture files. There is no such parameter, the only thing you can do is to increase the image resolution.

Unwrap Method

If you decimate your mesh to a reasonable size, you can also change the unwrapMethod to LSCM or ABF which will generate only one texture file. But it will not work if you mesh is too heavy, check the tooltip:

Method to unwrap input mesh if it does not have UV coordinates.

The approach is based on a generalization of the multi-band blending in [Burt1983] applied to 3D texturing with weighting strategies based on visibility and varying resolution. It is in the same spirit than [Baumberg2002] and [Allene2008].



A Multiresolution Spline with Application to Image Mosaics. P. J. Burt and E. H. Adelson. ACM Trans. Graph. 1983


Blending images for texturing 3D models. A. Baumberg. BMVC 2002


Seamless image-based texture atlases using multi-band blending. C. Allene and J. Pons and R. Keriven. ICPR 2008